Hackers Applying HTML Smuggling To Distribute Malware – E Hacking News

Hackers Applying HTML Smuggling To Distribute Malware – E Hacking News   Another latest spam E-mail operation, which abused a technique named “HTML smuggling” to circumvent E-mail security measures and transmit malware on users’ devices, was identified by Microsoft’s security team. This campaign has been going on for weeks.  Microsoft Corporation is an international AmericanContinue reading “Hackers Applying HTML Smuggling To Distribute Malware – E Hacking News”

Former Goldman Sachs CIO, joins fintech start-up Advisory Board

Former Goldman Sachs CIO, joins fintech start-up Advisory Board illumr removes bias in AI for financial services organisations Damian Sutcliffe, the former EMEA CIO for Goldman Sachs has joined illumr’s advisory board. Damian Sutcliffe Damian retired from a 20-plus year technology career at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., including the last five years as Chief InformationContinue reading “Former Goldman Sachs CIO, joins fintech start-up Advisory Board”

Episode 3 of What the Hack Is All About Sextortion

Episode 3 of What the Hack Is All About Sextortion Web camera on laptop. A laptop camera, concept for big brother, surveillance or internet computer security. Watching people without knowledge. Monitoring system. Equipment for video chat. Privacy. If there’s one thing that Covid-19 proved, it’s that there’s no end to how low threat actors willContinue reading “Episode 3 of What the Hack Is All About Sextortion”

Hackers Posed as Aerobics Instructors for Years to Target Aerospace Employees

Hackers Posed as Aerobics Instructors for Years to Target Aerospace Employees An Iranian cyberespionage group masqueraded as an aerobics instructor on Facebook in an attempt to infect the machine of an employee of an aerospace defense contractor with malware as part of a years-long social engineering and targeted malware campaign. Enterprise security firm Proofpoint attributedContinue reading “Hackers Posed as Aerobics Instructors for Years to Target Aerospace Employees”

Security breaches where working from home is involved are costlier, claims IBM report • The Register

Security breaches where working from home is involved are costlier, claims IBM report • The Register Firms looking to save money by shifting to more flexible ways of working will need to think carefully about IT security and the additional cost of breaches linked to staff working from home. That’s according to the latest annualContinue reading “Security breaches where working from home is involved are costlier, claims IBM report • The Register”

Cyberattacks Zero in Tokyo Olympics as Games Begin – E Hacking News

Cyberattacks Zero in Tokyo Olympics as Games Begin – E Hacking News   Malicious malware and websites have targeted both event organizers and regular spectators as the Tokyo Olympics’ opening ceremony approaches.  According to Tokyo-based Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, this malware was published to the VirusTotal malware-scanning site on 20 July and has been identifiedContinue reading “Cyberattacks Zero in Tokyo Olympics as Games Begin – E Hacking News”

Top 7 Penetration Testing Companies in the USA

Top 7 Penetration Testing Companies in the USA Top Rated Penetration Testing Companies in the USA: The top-rated list of Penetration Testing Companies is based on companies that offer true penetration testing (pen testing) with remediation planning and does not include the variety of do-it-yourself penetration testing software. Why is Penetration Testing Important Cyber threatsContinue reading “Top 7 Penetration Testing Companies in the USA”

Waging a War on Cybercrime With Big Data and AI

Waging a War on Cybercrime With Big Data and AI Some 95% of today’s compromises are either zero-day exploits or malware-free attacks; that means that signature-based behavioral defenses only work for 5% of attacks, says Joe Head of Intrusion Inc. He discusses how to use massive lists of historical data to train artificial intelligence toContinue reading “Waging a War on Cybercrime With Big Data and AI”

UBEL is the New Oscorp — Android Credential Stealing Malware Active in the Wild

UBEL is the New Oscorp — Android Credential Stealing Malware Active in the Wild An Android malware that was observed abusing accessibility services in the device to hijack user credentials from European banking applications has morphed into an entirely new botnet as part of a renewed campaign that began in May 2021. Italy’s CERT-AGID, inContinue reading “UBEL is the New Oscorp — Android Credential Stealing Malware Active in the Wild”

Cybersecurity for Small Businesses. Tips you need to know.

Cybersecurity for Small Businesses. Tips you need to know. One might think that threat actors target only big enterprises, so small businesses are left out of sight. This is unfortunately not true. Cybersecurity for small businesses should be a top priority for all organizations. Statistics show that businesses that have less than 100 employees areContinue reading “Cybersecurity for Small Businesses. Tips you need to know.”

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